SUMIE MATSUURA is a Japanese artist making contemporary art using traditional Japanese techniques such as Haku leafing.
Artist statement
My current works represent my discovery of Line. This is a completely original style and I could not make it without using the silver leafs which is a type of Japanese traditional art material. The rippling Line consists of contradictory aspects. It is both natural and artificial, unexpected and necessary, and eternal and temporary.
Therefore, the Line makes us recognize space; co-mingling of silver reflection and the action of light. In my work, three fundamental motives; respect for the cultural traditions of Japan; to investigate the history of Western art (the theory and representation) from past to present; and an interest in contemporary environment of our lives. They are mixed naturally and any of them can become the core of my works for the occasion; ultimately, they are controlled by my aesthetic sense. The Japanese big earthquake in Fukushima the 11th in Mar in 2011 makes me create a new series of Wrapped red circle. The circle, like the sun or the national flag, symbolizes the end of a good bond between human beings and nature. My works depict space and emotion. If the viewers walk around the work, it will show different aspects of space and emotion to them. Where, when and how it is seen gives other dimensions to the piece’s impression, which then influence viewers and the work itself. Finally, there is my interest in the spectator who will perceive it not only optically but also from their experiences in life. I am curious about how they will judge my work.
1969 B.A. in Art Education. Shizuoka University. Shizuoka, Japan.
1969 Enrolled in Master’s Program of Aesthetics and Art History. Tokyo University of Art (TUA). Tokyo.
1976 B.A in Fine Arts. Major Japanese Painting. Tokyo University of Arts (TUA).
1969 静岡大学教育学部美術科卒業
1971 東京藝術大学美術学部芸術学科大学院中退
1976 東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科日本画科卒業
Japan Artist Association Member
International Association of Art (IAA) Japan Member
International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artist (IAPMA) Member
Art Education Society of JAPAN Member
日本美術家連盟・IAA (International Association of Art )JAPAN会員
日本美術科教育学会(Art Education Society of JAPAN )会員
IAPMA (International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artist) 会員
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 The transition, Art Kageyama Gallery, Fujieda.
2020 Phantom of Progress-after the big earthquake, Kageyama Gallery.
2018 An encounter of contemporary art and tea world, Jugetsudo, Paris, France.
2018 ON THE GLOBE, Kageyama Gallery.
2018 AQUARIEM BERLIN-admiration for the south, Zum Einhorn, Tokyo.
2016 Scoop up a Space, artspace Edition Shimiz, Shizuoka.
2016 Light and Shadow of the Island-Tokyo2016. Galerie de la Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo.
2015 We are sitting on the warped red circle: indoors, Kageyama Gallery.
2015 Enjoying around Silver Leaf, Mirai Gallery, Okabe.
2011 Light and Shadow of the Island, Shouji-museum, Numazu.
2010 Water Environment Ⅲ, Kageyama Gallery.
2005 Overflow, Kageyama Gallery.
1997 Water Environment, Wacoal Ginza Art Space, Tokyo.
1996 Light-Light, Nissenren Gallery, Shizuoka.
個展 抜粋
2021 移行、アートカゲヤマGallery、藤枝
2020 Phantom of Progress-after the big earthquake, 9年目の歪んだ赤い丸—進歩という幻想—、 カゲヤマG
2018 現代美術と茶の出会い、パリ寿月堂、パリ、フランス
2018 地球に、カゲヤマG
2018 ベルリンの水族館—南への憧れ、ツム・アインホルン、東京
2016 空間を掬う、art space Edition Shimizu, 清水
2016 島の光と陰—東京2016、日仏会館、東京
2015 歪んだ赤い丸に座っている私達—indoors, 写真・望月瞳+詩・橋本由紀子+俳句・ 田旗節子+俳句・鈴木一宏 の作品を素材としてのコラボレーション、カゲヤマG
2015 箔に遊ぶ、ギャラリー未来、岡部
2011 島の光と陰、沼津市庄司美術館
2010 Water EnvironmentⅢ、カゲヤマG
2005 Overflow, カゲヤマG
1997 水の環境、ワコールアートスペース、東京
1996 光—光、にっせんれん画廊、静岡
Selected Group Exhibition
2021 Austria & Japan Exhibition Project, art-P, Vienna, Austria.
2020 Amateras Exhibition Sofia Paper Art Fest 2020, 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria.
2019 Japan Now and Sofia Paper Art Fest 2019, Bulgaria.
2019 9th Charity exhibition-support the big earthquake recovery, Tokyo.
2018 PARALLAX’ ART FAIR,Chelsea Town Hall, London, England.
2017 Art Fair in Carrousel du Louvre, B-gallery, Paris, France.
2015 Shizuoka 9 artists+1,Mizunami Art Hall, Gihu.
2014 Shizuoka Art Documentary 2014, Park of Shizuoka Performing Arts Center.
2008 Bangkok-Shizuoka Aesthetics’ the Relationship Art Exhibition, Silpakorn University, Thailand.
2007 Color-Light-Shadow, Kazuyuki Sakata & Sumie Matsuura of Today, Shizuoka Country Culture Floor, Hamaoka.
2005 Tea Ceremony & Pleasure Grand Prize, Second, Judge Kengo Kuma, Tokyo.
2004 Le Corbusier’s Prints & 5-members Collaboration, Ginza Art Hall, Tokyo.
1998 Washi Group Exhibition Kamiza, ’96 ’97 ’98, Nissenren Gallery, Shizuoka.
1996 International Tannan Art Festival, Takefu.
1996 Akari Object Contest, Gifu City Cultural Center.
1995 Mino WAshi Akari Art Contest, Special Judge’s Prize, Mino, Japan.
グループ展 抜粋
2021 Austria & Japan Exhibition Project, art-P, Perchtoldsdorf, オーストリア
2020 Amateras Exhibition Sofia Paper Art Fes2019,2020, ソフィア、ブルガリア
2019 Japan Now-Sofia Paper Art Fest 2019, ソフィア
2019 第9回東日本大震災チャリティー展「遥か彼方は相馬の空に」織絵artG、東京
2018 PARALLAX ART FAIR, Chelsea、イギリス
2017 Art Fair in Carrousel du Louvre, B-gallery, パリ、フランス
2015 静岡9Artists+1、瑞浪芸術館
2014 歪んだ赤い丸の上に座っている私達、写真家 望月瞳とのコラボ、インスタレーション 静岡アートドキュメンタリー2014、静岡県舞台芸術公園、静岡市日本平
2008 Bangkok-Shizuoka Aesthetics’ the Relationship Art Exhibition, バンコク/タイ
2007 彩・光・影、坂田和之+松浦澄江の今日、静岡カントリー浜岡
2005婦人画報「茶遊び大賞」準グランプリ、審査員 隈研吾
2004 ル・コルビジュと5人の空間、銀座アートホール、東京
1998 紙座’98 ’97 ’96, にっせんれん画廊、静岡市
1996 国際丹南アートフェスティバル、越前市文化センター
1996 あかりのオブジェ展、岐阜市文化センター 1995 美濃あかりアート展 審査員特別賞